STEM/STEAM Class Activities

Career Focus Transportation: Aviation, Trains, Cars, Buses & Bicycles


35 weeks of hands – on  STEM/STEAM activities

Module 1 – Introduction to STEM/STEAM ( science & methods) – S.T.E.A.M.


  • Apply and document an engineering design process measured by identifying criteria and constraints, making representations, testing and evaluation, and refining the design as needed to construct a product or system that solves a problem.


  • Students will apply the scientific method and solve a problem
  • Students will describe the different STEAM disciplines

Module 2 – The Future & Career Opportunities In Transportation


  • Students will learn about transportation management and the job of traffic manager
  • Students will learn about distribution centers, warehouse and plant locations and how things happen before packages are delivered to the consumer
  • Students will explore how various current issues affect the future of transportation

Students will explore a career in transportation

Module 3 – Road Trip


  • Students will learn what maps legends are used for
  • Students will learn how to locate information to plan a trip via car, bus, plane, or train
  • Students will learn to measure mileage using the key given on the map
  • Students will learn to work cooperatively with team members to complete a task
  • Students will learn what goes on into planning a road
  • Students will learn how to develop a logical reasonable itinerary
  • Students will learn to communicate thoughts clearly and effectively
  • Students will learn to create graphs or charts displaying the cost of travel and embed the graphs in written presentation
  • Students will learn to write persuasive essay

Module 4 – Product & Delivery


  • Students will learn how to understand different modes of transportation
  • Students will explore geospatial technology using interactive maps
  • Students will explore fuel-consumption data
  • Students will learn to describe intermodal transportation
  • Students will learn to create a map showing the route of a product from origin to final destination
  • Students will learn to determine whether a route using right turn philosophy is fuel efficient
  • Student will learn to identify factors contributing to variations in fuel consumption
  • Students will explore the use of geospatial technologies for route planning
  • Students will learn how to identify factors involved for efficient urban route planning
  • Students will explore use of geospatial technologies
  • Students will develop interstate routes for trucks delivering goods to distribution centers
  • Students will learn to identify factors involved for interstate route planning

Module 5 – Movement of International Shipments


  • Students will learn to  analyze the consequences of an economic


  • Students will learn to  determine the best economic decision evaluating the   alternatives.
  • Students will learn to  describe the influence of market economies through   cost savings
  • Students will learn to  analyze economic decisions and risk when selling         internationally
  • Students will explore the role of financial institutions in Incoterms         transactions
  • Students will learn to  analyze information and identify use of documents in   a transaction
  • Students will learn to  analyze economic decisions made when shipping
  • Students will learn to  analyze the economic consequence for each mode as   they interact with each other.
  •  Students will learn to identify cause-and-effect relationships in   shipping and warehousing.
  •  Students will learn from the customer’s viewpoint, compare and contrast   needs of customer
  • Students will be aware of government rules and regulations and soooo much more.

Education Drone Program 

 Drone Introduction

  • Why drones?
  • Drone research activity
  • Learn about the drone components
  • Activity


  • Build and update the drones
  • Science of flight


  • Science of flight
  • Flight safety & flight safety research activity
  • Connect the drone s with “free flight mini
  • Flight activity


  • Intro to Programing
  • Coding activities
  • Advanced coding challenges


  • Have students create a course  practicing piloting and coding skills
  • Prepare for the showcase

 Showcase and Drone Olympics

  • Relay race
  • Drone programming challenge
  • Drone build off
  • Engineering notebook
  • Drone Design
  • Live presentation
  • Video presentation

Each participant will receive the FAA Trust Training through an authorized testing administrator for Trust. The Recreational UAS Safety Test of completion will be given to each participant that passes     100 % of the test. The TRUST Certification is only allowed for recreational flyers operating under the exception for limited recreational operations of unmanned aircraft ( Title 49 of the United States Code      (49 U.S.C.) S 44809).